7 Days Until the Launch of the Live Event We Call “Making Marriage Fun Again”

A week from today, April 30th, Paula and I will launch our first-ever Live Event called “Making Marriage Fun Again.”

We truly believe that marriage between two good, loving people should be fun. Most of the married people we deal with are having anything but.  We both think that’s wrong  and we think we can do something about it during this new Live Event, but we need your help.

Go to MakingMarriageFunAgain.com and check out what this Live Event is all about.  Determine to be proactive and register right now, today.

  • If you go check out the web site and say, “You know what, I have a good marriage.  This is not for me,”   then surely you know someone who can benefit. They could drive in, maybe it’s someone right here in Nashville, or some other part of Tennessee within driving distance.  They can drive in, spend the night, and make a weekend of it.  It could be the event that saves their lives, and you could be the one who takes the initiative, to call it to their attention.
  • How often have we shaken our heads at the condition of someone in our family or a close friend?  We know their marriage is in trouble or not where they want it to be and we wish we could give them some good solid help.  This is your chance to do something more than just talk about what a pity it is that things are the way they are.
  • Maybe your marriage is doing great, but you know someone, maybe a younger couple – your son, your daughter – and you could give them the gift of that night; you could provide them a scholarship.  Go register, sign up in their name, and send them an email saying, “Guess what, next Friday night is on us.”
  • For the price of an evening out at a restaurant, you could spend the same amount of time and the same amount of money and invest in yourself, your marriage, and your future.

You have the opportunity to help us help a lot of other people.  We believe in this event, we believe that marriage is the fastest and the surest way to guarantee the future of our country.  As marriage goes, so goes the country. You may not even be married.  You better hope and pray that those of us who are get it right, have great children; raise them to be men and women of strong integrity, to go to school, to learn, to be the problem-solvers of today and tomorrow.  Everything rides on this.

Family is what has made America strong, and marriage is the core building-block of family.  There’s nothing better than when it works, and nothing worse than when it doesn’t.  Just look at the headlines every day and you’re reminded of the tragedy, the cost, the pain, and the needless waste of human potential that comes from the breakdown of marriages.

One thing Paula and I can guarantee everyone who attends this live event is that you will leave on the same page. And that, after all, is the number one reason why people lose their marriage.  They are no longer on the same page about a lot of things, not the least of which are money, time, family, career, and where this marriage is going.

Seven days and counting…. It could be the night that everything turns for you, or someone you love.