8 Things You Can’t Learn About God in Church

Tomorrow @ The Gathering we’re going to begin a brand new series called “Yea God!”

For me that’s kind of a shout of affirmation.  It may be someone else’s “Praise the Lord,” but for me it’s, “Yea God!”  And why shouldn’t we shout out in the affirmative to God?

During this series we’re going to be talking about the 8 things you can’t learn in church. It doesn’t mean you can’t hear things in church.  But just because you hear them, doesn’t mean that you’ve learned them.  Here is the formula.  What you hear, then put into practice over time, is what you learn.  And the result of that learning is a thing called wisdom.  And wisdom is certainly in short supply.

We’re going to begin this series with “Yea God; You’re the Dad I Never Had!”

Over 990 times in Scripture, God refers to Himself as Father.  And yet that might be one of the most difficult images for you and others to relate to because your earthly father was certainly less than perfect.  And yet the Father is what we all need and long for. We’ll learn about God’s attitude toward you and His invitation to respond in a personal way; not just with the information about God, but with the person of God, Himself.

Join us at 9:00 or 10:30 @ The Gathering Nashville. If you can’t be here in person, join our live webcast at both services.