Check Out the David and Paula Show Today for Episode Ten: Even This 40-year Marriage is Not Safe From Destruction

Join us for the David and Paula Show this morning as we discuss the recent revelation of the demise of Al and Tipper Gore’s marriage.  What seemed to be a perfectly ideal marriage where they could have it all is now over after forty years.

Are we seeing an epidemic of marriages over thirty years old begin to break up and why? What happens in the life of a couple who after forty years worth of investment, the best thing they can see for their future is to walk away?  We’ll talk about the pitfalls, the dangers, and how you can avoid them.

Remember, The David and Paula Show is a show about love,life and your relationships; how you can grow great marriages, families, and lives over time.

Join us at 10 AM Central. If you miss the show today you can go to iTunes and subscribe.  Just search for the David and Paula Show.