Dave Rave – 5 Reasons You Should Twitter


For good or bad, I’ve always been an early adopter.  By that I mean, if a new thing comes out, be it technology or a piece of equipment, I am always interested.  And not every time, but a lot of times, I go ahead and take the plunge with the first wave of adopters.

One of the things I got into early was Twitter.  I didn’t understand it at first.   I couldn’t imagine why anyone would want to know if I was putting gas in my truck, eating a hamburger, or just taking out the trash.  That’s what Twitter started out being.  But it’s morphed into something far more powerful.

I am using Twitter as an example.  You can plug in any other social media platform in which millions of people gather: places like Facebook, Linkedin, YouTube, and so on.  Here are the five reasons why I made a commitment to Twitter and social media early, and why you should too:

  1. I Twitter to connect. It’s amazing how many people from so many different places you can connect to in the Twitter stream.  And the great thing is, if you know what you’re doing, you can choose to follow those people who are talking about things that matter, and make connections that will help move your own mission and brand forward.
  2. I Twitter to contribute. I Twitter to the conversation by adding not only my perspectives that may help people at a certain moment, at some location, going through the very thing I am talking about.  I contribute my research, the things that I’ve found, and also the content I’m creating.
  3. I Twitter to learn. And man, is there a lot to learn!  If you have an iPad, you have to have flipboard, and you have to have it plugged into your Twitter stream.  It’s amazing how many articles and research come alive in that platform.
  4. I Twitter to save time. There is no way I have enough time to find all the articles and research that are out there, all at my fingertips, all giving me access to not only information, but resources and tools that help me do my work more efficiently and with less clutter and friction.
  5. I Twitter to communicate. At the end of the day, that’s the motivation; to add my voice, to believe that I have something to contribute that will help people know God,  love God, and live the life for which they were created, to give my renegade brand of understanding about spirituality, to also contribute to makingmarriagefunagain.com, our mission to help good people grow great relationships over time.

So I suppose the bottom line is this:  If you have nothing to say, nothing to contribute, nothing to communicate, nothing to learn, and if you’ve got all the time in the world to go research all of the information out there by yourself, by all means, don’t Twitter.  But if you do that, not only are you robbing yourself, you are robbing us when you fail to offer your contribution to the conversation.