FMBS 003 A New Radical Way of Relating to God

I am loving our new Friday Morning Bible Study.  Three weeks in, and I can’t wait to get up and get there every Friday morning and really dig in to the meat of Scripture.

So this week we dealt with Romans 3 and 4: a new way of relating to God.  How are we justified?  How do we “earn” the right to come to God and call Him Father after we’ve rebelled and wandered so far away?  By this radical idea called faith, believing.

It’s hard to believe that God would care so much about me and you that He would put into place a radical plan of redemption based upon hundreds of years worth of planning and fulfillment, the incarnation of God into human form, the sinless life, the vicarious death, and the victorious resurrection: all so we could relate to God by faith.

I am convinced it’s not until you understand how dark the story is without the gospel that you’ll ever truly understand how overwhelmingly amazing the story is with it. Listen and enjoy.

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