FMBS 008 Romans 10 & 11: God Makes No Casual Covenants

It’s hard to believe we’re already up to Chapters 10 and 11 in our Friday Morning Bible Study.  But we have arrived at two verses that make it very clear that when God makes a promise, He takes it seriously.

The great teacher, Paul, turns our attention to God’s covenant with Israel.  Even though their disbelief has worked out to the benefit of the outsiders, namely the Gentiles; namely, you and me, God still is going to keep His promise to Israel.

It’s a fascinating study that helps us understand:

  1. God takes His promises seriously.
  2. This means that God is not only personal, but very relational.
  3. God is incredibly creative in the way that He fulfills His plans, even when fallible, fickle people refuse to cooperate.
  4. And last, but not least, God’s grace has been extended for those who are aliens to the promises of God.

That makes this a good day.