How Do You Change a Badly Behaving Spouse? Tomorrow @ The Gathering

This weekend at The Gathering we’ll continue in our present series, “Accept No Mediocre Marriage: the Top Ten Things They Don’t Tell You Before You Say, ‘I do.’”

This weekend we’re going to talk about change.  We’re going to begin the service by interviewing Paula Foster and find out how she brought about a radical change in my life.  It is my firm conviction that while we can’t change another person’s heart, we can be instrumental in the change and maturation process if we just know how.

Oftentimes we try to force someone to change by nagging, criticizing, or comparing them to others, which I have discovered only drives people deeper into their dysfunction.

But just because we can’t change the heart of another person doesn’t mean that we can’t cooperate in the process of change.  This weekend we’ll talk about how you do it in a healthy way, and how you join God in the process of creating a great person.