How Do You Gain Influence?

As I’ve said before on this blog, not only has the economy changed, the psyche of the average worker has also changed.  We no longer respond to command and control.  And yet that’s the basic model that most business schools teach and even MBA programs promote:  Command and control, the guy with the most information, intelligence, along with experience and a job title becomes the leader.

The truth is, we’re living in the day that leading with influence gains not only the best results, but the biggest win.  I call it WWONDA: win-win, or no deal always.

Because the earth is now flat because of technology, internet and other innovations, organizations and institutions are also flat.  The problem is, most of the people who lead them and occupy their systemic positions don’t understand it, and quite honestly, are afraid of it.  They don’t understand what could be better than the threat and intimidation that comes along with command and control.

The new paradigm is inspire and influence.  And that’s intimidating for people who don’t understand that the old axiom, “it’s not personal, it’s business,” has made the transition to “business is personal” not only in the non-profit but in the for-profit sectors. The question is, how do we gain influence?  Answer: by inspiring people to willingly follow your lead.

So how do you inspire influence?  Two words: competency and caring.  We are open to the influence of those who are competent, those who serve with excellence, those who lead with compassion and caring.  Think about these two concepts.  Are they at work today in your life, in your church, even in your home?  Marriages no longer exist and survive long by command and control.  In every human relationship, network and organization, this new way of living and doing has made itself felt.

Ask yourself how much you do out of the threat of command and control as opposed to how much you’re willing to sacrifice for someone who inspires you and you’re open to their influence.