How Do You Make Blended Families Work When There Are So Many People You’re Trying to Please? – Today on the David and Paula Show

We received 2 questions last week that we’re going to be dealing with on The David and Paula Show this week.

The first one is about blended families.  How do make them work when there are so many different people involved and so many competing interests, motivations, personalities and temperaments?  This is a huge question because more and more, blended families are becoming the norm rather than the exception.  With people getting married 2, 3, 4, even 5 times, hyper-blended families, multi-blended are going to be a common occurrence.

Join us at 10:00 AM Central time for the live version of the David and Paula Show when we talk about love, life, and relationships, and how you can grow great marriages, relationships, and families over time.

If you can’t join us at 10:00, make sure you subscribe to the David and Paula Show at iTunes, or go to the web site and listen to the online version.