I Fear God, but I’m Not Afraid of Him

Without question, the number one thing you should do before you do anything else, is to get the God question settled in your life.  That is, to make true peace with God.

Nothing in life works the way it was meant to when the God question in your life is up for debate. That’s why it’s important to understand the difference between being afraid of God and what the Scriptures teach as a healthy fear, or awe and respect for God.

In this talk that I gave at The Gathering, I talked about the three reasons we often fear God, what God is like, and the three levels of understanding about where we stand with God.

God loves you.  He created you. He is your Lord. The Scriptures even go so far as to say that He is jealous of your love.  So make absolutely sure that you stand in reverence of all of God so you can embrace His love, and His commitment to you as His child.  Being afraid of God will keep you far from Him and the further you stay, the more darkness and disconnect you will feel in your life. When someone comes up to you and asks, “How are you doing?” you want to be able to say with great bravado and confidence, “Still in one peace.”