We started a brand new series this week entitled, “Messy Like Me (the 6 people you meet on the way to heaven).”
We started with the first person we meet. As a matter of fact, it may be you. And the truth is, it is all of us at one time or another: the broken. We talked about the three kinds of brokenness, and how we get there for each one.
We also talked about what we tend to do when we’re confronted with broken people. The truth is, the American church has a reputation for shunning broken people; or at least ignoring them and acting as though it’s not true. As I’ve often said, the greatest sin we commit each Sunday morning in the church in America is underestimating the pain hiding behind the smiles of the people we see and sit beside.
We talked about the difference between condemning with judgment and confronting with love and compassion. Do you know the difference? What does it look like in your life, in your church, in your family, in your place of business?
We also talked about what God does when the broken turn to Him in contrition and confession. We talked about the difference between mercy and grace, what God’s love does, and the simple and single fact put there for those who come to God and bring their brokenness. They learn this truth; that behind all things that break us is the hand of the loving Father to shape us.
I closed the service yesterday with this prayer, and I hope it will be yours as well.
“I will bring my brokenness to God in confession and contrition, trusting that by His grace He will forge in me the character and qualities that will allow me to be the confident and compassionate person He can bless with abundance and responsibility.”