I just wanted to give everyone a shout-out about our first meeting of our Gathering 4 Guys.
It was like Christmas for me. I kept waking up every hour and finally I got up around 4:00 to get prepared to get to The Factory in Franklin. What a great environment for a bunch of guys early in the morning! We set up chairs and slowly people started coming in. And by the time we started, every chair was full and there were even people sitting around on the benches.
Our Scripture for the day was out of Proverbs which basically says that “many men boast of faithfulness, but a faithful man who can find?”
We talked about defining success, writing it down so we understand, living a life that is connected to why we’re here and that has everything to do with our relationships.
One thing I am learning about men is that men make surface friendships almost immediately. But going beyond that to deep, meaningful relationships that inspire, motivate, and take us to the next level is a challenge.
I asked guys to get a business card and carry it with them, get an electronic mode of having contacts, people’s names, and using them. I asked people to get an electronic version of the Bible. I use U Version. And begin living with a sense of the people around you and the needs that are there.
I also talked a little bit about greatness today; that greatness can only be achieved when you start helping other people achieve greatness. Greatness is not what we receive, but what we have that’s worth giving away; growing a great life and then using it as leverage to help others no matter where they are in life.
It’s a great start to a 6-week journey and I am loving it.
the question I have for you is, “Who are your go-to guys, your BOBs (Band of Bothers) who you do life with, who inspire you, who make you want to be a better man, who give you energy, who you can hang with but who also help you go to the next level?” Live was not meant to be lived alone, that’s why you should always live connected.
Disconnected, we’re all easy prey.