RG2G 012 What’s Gone Wrong With the American Church?

All of my adult life, I’ve had a passion to plant, lead, and grow the American church.  My years involved in this mission, this labor of love, has allowed me to see many movements come and go.  In today’s show I talk about what I think the three most important developments have been since 9/11, and three diseases that have shown up in the church as a result.

Let me be quick to say that there is a lot that’s going right with the American church.  But to truly reach our redemptive potential, we need to look inside and see what part of who we are has drifted from what our original mandate has been.

I talk about the three developments since 9/11; this brand new world that is more like the Old West was in the days when things were new, growing, and unpredictable in their directions.

I talk about the three diseases, the discomforts that have grown up in the American church, that have not addressed and reversed what keeps us from going to new heights of influencing contribution in this brave new world.

I truly do believe this is one of the best times to be leading a spiritual community, if you know where we are and how to engage.