Stop Sending Me Boycott Invitations on Facebook

I’m trying hard to like Facebook, but I have to admit, I like Twitter and blogs much more.  I’d give up on it altogether, but but it’s the 500 million-plus people that create a neighborhood I’d like to get to understand.

Why do I dislike it?  Here is my number one pet peeve: people who are sending me endless strings of invitations to join their pet projects; the worst of which is to boycott something.  This past week, I got several invitations to boycott BP.

Have we not learned that boycotting something is not creating something better? If you want to do something positive in this world, instead of criticizing someone who may very well deserve it (like BP), make something.  Make something better. Make someone’s day better.  Make a better product, make a better mousetrap, make a better experience for the people who do business with you.  Make your home a better place.  Make your marriage a place of joy, growth, energy, and peace.

Make something; don’t boycott something. Anybody can boycott BP.  What does that cost you? Three hundred yards down the road to another gas station, probably with cheaper gas?  Let’s get real.  Let’s stop whining and complaining about the world as it is and start focusing on what we can do to make it the place it ought to be.