The 4 Myths That Make Marriage in America Miserable, and What You Can Do About It: Today on The David and Paula Show

By anyone’s measurement, marriage in America is in trouble.  One out of every two marriages end in divorce, and in some states  – for example, Connecticut -it’s as high as 60%.

And yet, record numbers of people are getting married.  Reality shows on TV are more popular than ever.  So what can be done to help those who get married today, be married and stay married, and make sure their marriage is fun, growing, and energetic over time?

One of the problems is the myths we believe before we get married.  Today, on the David and Paula Show we will deal with the 4 most common myths people take into marriage that almost guarantee you’ll live disappointed and tolerating a mediocre marriage.

Join us at 10:00 AM Central time for the live version of the David and Paula Show.  If you can’t join us at 10:00, make sure you subscribe to the David and Paula Show at iTunes, or go to the web site and listen to the online version.