This Weekend @ The Gathering – When You Made Things Right With God, Did You Forget the Next Important Step That Makes the Whole Thing Work?

One of my pet-peeves are people who call themselves Christians, and who believe that their faith is only about their personal relationship with God.  Nothing could be further from the truth.

Jesus made it very clear that our relationship with God, the health or lack thereof, is reflected in the relationships of the people around us.

This weekend as we continue our series “12 Steps Up: How Messy People Mature,” we’ll be talking about Step # 8, Follow Up; which means that once we’ve awakened to our powerlessness, looked up, and aligned our lives behind the authority of God, we need to understand that making things right with other people is a critical next step. To miss this is to literally miss the essence of Christianity.

This weekend @ The Gathering we’ll be talking about how to restore ruptured relationships.  We’ll be talking about the cost of forgiveness, and the high cost of unforgiveness. Not a day goes by that I don’t hear about the pain and the agony caused by broken promises, adultery, lying, and cheating in marriage relationships.  Almost not a week goes by that Paula and I don’t deal with children who have been abandoned by their parents.  Broken and ruptured relationships make life a living hell.

If you know someone who needs help in how to get back into their lives the people they’ve wounded, or how to forgive the people who have wounded them, this weekend would be the perfect time to attend.