Today @ The Gathering – Accept no Mediocre Marriage: The 10 Things They Don’t Tell You Before You Say “I do”

It’s been a long time since I’ve been this enthusiastic about a new series.  It seems that each one is unique and different, and has its own special place in my heart.  But this new series, “Accept No Mediocre Marriage” has to be the singular passion of my life as a speaker.

Why?  Because for 38 years I have seen so much pain and misery visited on the lives of really good people who lost their marriages not because they are bad people, but simply because they lacked the tools, the skills, and the knowledge on how to apply them.

So in this 10-part series, we’re going to deal with the 10 core essentials; the things you must get right. Today we started with providing a way of recognizing if your marriage is failing.  As a matter of fact, it is a way to gauge where you are in your marriage.

During this talk we talked about the nature of marriage, and understanding that what you believe about the nature of marriage will determine the kind of marriage you will have. We presented five goals for these weeks together.  They are:

  • Drowning marriages will be rescued.
  • Troubled marriages will be saved.
  • Stuck marriages will get unstuck.
  • Good marriages will grow to be great.
  • Great marriages will become contagious and the norm for all of us.

We talked about the four skill levels in marriage, that you understand what they are, how you attain them, and how you apply them.  We also talked about the nature of marriage.  We defined what marriage is, and we also explained what it means to promise for better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do us part.

This is a talk that not only informs, but inspires.  It firmly teaches and believes that anyone anywhere can go from where they are at this moment and truly build a great marriage. As a matter of fact, the worse your marriage is today, the more potential for good it has tomorrow, if you know how and if you are motivated.