Today @ The Gathering – December 16th

Today @ The Gathering we completed our current series, “Everything Begins With a Dream” with “Day 1+: The Day You Get Fired!”

During this talk we gained perspective on what happens when we achieve our goals or dreams. Oftentimes we stop right there, assuming that we’re done, failing to realize and utilize what our dreams have just taught us.

We used Jesus’ reference about new wine not being placed in old wineskins, that every good thing that God has done will come to an end and be replaced by a better thing. We learned that “At the end of every good thing is a better thing waiting to be born if you’re able to receive it.” (David Foster)

We learned about the four things we get from dreaming and achieving our dreams, and they’re not exactly what we might expect. We also learned about the three dangers that happen after you cross the goal line of a great achievement. They can blindside you if you’re not looking for them. We also talked about the three reasons dreamers always dream dreams and aspire to do great things even after significant achievements.

The conclusion of our message stressed the importance of setting goals, particularly this time of year. And the next Dave Rave will contain the 10 practical steps on how to set goals and go about achieving them.

It was announced that next Sunday at The Gathering we’ll be observing communion at both services and we were reminded of the new time change that will take effect January 6th from the current 8:30 and 10:00 service times to 9:00 and 10:30 as we move into the New Year.

We also talked about the special Christmas offering at our Christmas Eve services this year that will go to begin a facilities fund in order to prepare us for what God has for us in the future in terms of a location once we’ve maxed out our capacity here at the theatre.