Today @ The Gathering – December 30th

Today @ The Gathering we introduced the new logo for The Gathering. It’s a logo that represents our philosophy of ministry in our 3 G-words; Gather, Grow, and Give.

We talked about the importance of each Christian committing him or herself to the mission of advancing the American church; not the institution, and not the denomination, or the set of doctrines that will divide, but a force, a redemptive movement made up of people filled with the love of Jesus Christ and freedom to dream how it might advance the good.

This message described the brave, new, wall-less, wireless, worn-out world and how doing ministry in that world has radically changed, along with the multiple opportunities that it offers to do truly great things for God.

One of the most insightful things presented this weekend was how to know whether or not you’re growing. One of the biggest challenges for Christians is to not just simply be stuck or stagnant, but to be vital and growing in their faith.

We talked about the four tests we can apply to tell whether or not we’re growing spiritually.
1. Are you growing together with other believers in love?
2. Are you growing up into Christ and understanding who He is in your life and in the world?
3. Are you growing out through ministry and service; are you being productive, and do you see the fruit of your activity because you’re doing what you do best and contributing your part?
4. Are you growing more through conversion; are people’s lives being changed and transformed?

For more details that help explain the philosophy of The Gathering, sign on at the Gathering Way.