Today @ The Gathering: How To Hear From God

One of the most frequently asked questions I receive is, “How do you hear from God?” “How do you know what God wants you to do?”  “How do you make the right decisions and how do you get the guidance?”  “Is there a formula?”

Into that space of great desire to know the will of God and do it, steps a lot of weirdness.  Maybe you’ve experienced it:  people who’ve told you what God told them to tell you to do, or how to live, or how to spend your money.  I’ve found over the years that people who brag the most and scream the loudest about what God told them simply have an agenda they’re trying to move forward.  It certainly isn’t always true, but I think you have to be careful who you listen to when they tell you what God said you should do.

So today we talked about 8 ways in which you hear from God. The truth is, God is a talker.  He has revealed himself openly and clearly, not only in the creation we see above us but the people and the sophistication of the world around us.  So how do you hear from God? We talked about the eight practical ways.  These are important if you take seriously living well the life you were created to live.

If you’re looking for direction and guidance, if you’re looking for a new job or a new career; if you’re deciding on who to marry, where to live, and how to invest your future, this would be a great talk to listen to: eight practical, real world, everyday ways in which God speaks.

Here is the problem for most people who want to hear the voice of God: they want to hear it now, instantly, and in great detail.  And if that’s what you’re looking for, you need to keep looking.  God speaks to those who want to live well over time and into eternity. The question is, do you qualify?