Today @ The Gathering: How to Make Plans

How often do we try to live our lives without making plans?  And yet think about how much of our lives demands planning: money, family, time; time to take care of our bodies, our minds, and our souls.

You know all of this requires a plan.  Today we talked about the importance of planning; the practical aspects and perspectives that come from the Scriptures about planning.

We talked about these perspectives:

  1. Act or be acted upon.
  2. Life lavishly rewards the diligent, but severely punishes the lazy.
  3. You’ve got to figure out what matters most, focus on that, and let everything else float on by.
  • Everyone ends up somewhere, but few people end up somewhere on purpose.
  • When your love wounds diminish the one you love, you are an enabler.

These are the ideas we talked about as we talked about the importance of making a plan.  If you find yourself today in a place you don’t like, the best way to get to where you want to be is make a plan.  We talked about how to do it, what the steps are, and the questions to ask. Check out the talk here on the podcast.