Today @ The Gathering – January 27th

Today @ The Gathering we continued the series “Finding My Motivation” with the 4th installment, “The 4 Most Draining Doubts a Human Can Have”

Today we learned about the 4 most important questions all of us as humans have to answer, and answer with great conviction. And here are the four questions.

1. The question of origin: where did I come from?
2. The question of meaning: why am I here?
3. The question of ethics: what should I do today?
4. The question of destiny: what should I do with who I am and what I have for the rest of my life?

These are important questions. Most people spend all of their lives just talking about and walking around these issues. But they are really important because they create the foundation upon which a great life is built.

If I realize I was created on purpose, by God, that God had an intention when He allowed me to have life; and that the meaning of my life is found in relationships that I build, the people that I help; and that if my ethical standard of how I operate is set high in a different world because of who I am and Whose I am, and I realize I’ve been created with the strengths and weaknesses I have for a very specific purpose, life gets really interesting.

Because at the end of the day, don’t we all want to be able to live a life of our greatest joy?

So if you’re searching for answers to those really deep questions and to understand how they fit together, and how they can come out with a confident, joy-filled, bold statement of intention and purpose, then make sure you listen to this important talk.

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