We wrapped up our summer series today @ The Gathering. It’s been a great journey. In the past twelve weeks we’ve talked about 12 Steps Up: How Messy People Mature Over Time.
The genius of the 12-Step program, in my opinion, is that in the process of recovery and growing/maturing (whichever you like) everyone gets a sponsor; someone who is there to mentor them. And everyone sponsors someone else. In other words everyone takes in, and they also give out. It’s called influence. Be open to the influence of those who inspire me to be better, and who teach me and lead me. And also be open to pass on what I’m learning.
Today we talked about how to influence others and help them in the process of change and maturation. We talked about walking the walk, telling your story, taking responsibility, and giving hope.
It’s amazing to see so many new faces today. It was overwhelming. In my opinion it may have been the best day ever in the short history of The Gathering.
The Gathering is made up of amazing people and you proved it today when we did a fruit-basket turn-over at the theater, not only switching sides and theatres, but positions. And everyone pitched in like clockwork. It’s amazing to walk the halls and see people laughing, excited, working hard, sweating, putting their hand to the task, and loving it. Today proved to me again that there is nothing stronger that the heart of a volunteer doing something they love, and believe is important.
Next week we begin a brand new series, “Accept No Mediocre Marriage.” It’s going to be an exciting trip. I know God is going to save marriages, grow marriages, and do some amazing miracles. What a sweet ride! I love being your pastor, and I love being a part of this amazing movement of grace, joy, and hope.