Today @ The Gathering – November 11th

Today @ The Gathering we continued with the series entitled “Everything Begins With a Dream,” with installment “Day 3: The Day The Facts Don’t Matter.”

Today we dealt with how to guard your dream against good advice. At the end of the day, advice is a good thing, a very good thing. But it’s not always a God thing. Sometimes we listen to the wrong advisors; advisors who limit us and discourage us; who give us sometimes unethical advice, sometimes unqualified advice, and often at the worst times, unsolicited advice.

God has left you on this planet for a reason; to fill a need, right a wrong, heal a hurt, to advance the good, and to bring Him honor. Maybe it’s to start a company, to invent something, write a book, write a strategy, write a song, or write a symphony; to do something that promotes truth, beauty, love, and honor. There are challenges around us every day. The question is which one will you pick up?

We talked about Gideon, the youngest guy of the smallest family of the smallest tribe of Israel. Bottom line, a nobody. During a time of national crisis, God appeared to Gideon. And in that moment Gideon let out all of his frustration. If God was good and He was with them, how could He allow all the bad things to happen? Not unlike the questions we ask today.

God’s response was not what Gideon wanted or what we want to hear. God looked at Gideon and said, “Go in your own strength, save your country, and I’ll be with you.” In other words, Gideon was the solution. What an audacious thing to think; that whatever God does in the world, He does in partnership with ordinary, average, broken, wounded, weak men and women.

How about you? What dream are you dreaming? What are you committed to that’s so large that if God doesn’t show up, you’re doomed for failure? Make sure you listen to the podcast. This is one you don’t want to miss.

Also go to and read the dreams and excuses, and make a contribution yourself. Remember all the entries are anonymous.

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