Today @ The Gathering We Got Anxious

Icon_small1Today at The Gathering we continued in our current series, “The Power To Prevail.”  This is based on my book, “The Power To Prevail.”

I’ve set up a web site called where you can go and get a free course in The Power To Prevail delivered straight to your inbox, find the book, and also download the audio if you’re too busy to read.

Today we talked about “Turning Anxieties Into Action.” It seems like everywhere we turn today people are anxious.  They’re anxious about the market: the housing market, the job market, Wall Street, the government, the future, their savings, 401k’s.  But really, is this unlike any other time in the world?  We live in a dangerous place and worries and anxieties can overcome you and drive you into a corner of paranoia and inactivity.

Today we asked the question, “What best describes you?” Are you:
1.    A low-try, low-trust person; a drifter?
2.    A high-try, low-trust person; a driver?
3.    A low-try, high-trust person; a dreamer?
4.    Or are you one of these rare people, a high-try, high-trust person, which is a daring-doer? This means you get up every day, you suit up, show up and do the next right thing; act as though everything depends on you, and trust as though everything depends on God.  If you are, you are what we call an action-oriented person.

How do you know if you’re an action-oriented person?  Here are the three qualities:

1.    They think big.  They realize that by faith, with God nothing is impossible; that one person, one woman, one man, one teenager, one single person with faith can change the world.
2.    The difference between action-oriented people and those who just have their heads in the sky is that action-oriented people act small.  They realize that life is lived in the everyday, the mundane, and the routine.  That’s where greatness is grown.
3.    They lean hard.  They lean on God.  They get up every single day knowing that God won’t do for them what He’s given them the power to do.  And what He wants to do for us, He waits to do through us.  This is about a relationship, not a transfer of assets.  So we lean hard and trust in God.

If you haven’t subscribed to the podcast to get these talks delivered straight to your iPod, please do it, or go listen online.  Help spread the word of this positive message.

gathering_prayer_250pxAlso don’t forget our citywide Gathering For Prayer at 6:30 tomorrow night, March 9th. This is going to be an awesome night.  I hope you are planning to attend and bring someone with you.  If you know people who are without jobs, have been laid-off, are in fear of being laid-off, who need prayer, who are serious about getting serious with God in prayer, bring them with you.

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