Tomorrow @ The Gathering we’re going to be continuing our series, Inspire Greatness. I hope you’re taking this seriously because the world needs men and women who live in a world bigger than a little, bitty world of me, myself, and my stuff.
If you are a person who’s looking for purpose in life, for meaning; if your passion for life and joy for life has moved to the back burner or has left the building, The Gathering will be for you. We will tell you how to create excitement, joy, and momentum; how to get up every single day and live your life for something bigger than just the next paycheck or payment; to have a marriage stronger and relationships more enduring than just the kind you’ve experienced in the past based on take care of me, love me, and help me.
With the earthquakes in Haiti, with the divorce rate, with taxes and jobs, with industries in turmoil, this is the day for bigger, bolder thinking. And this may be the very moment that the change you’re looking for will come.
Join us @ The Gathering, 9:00 & 10:30. It could change your life for the rest of your life, and the lives of everyone who needs what you’ve got.