What Makes You So Special?: This Weekend @ The Gathering

We are continuing our current series “Yea God: 8 Things You Can’t Learn About God in Church,” by talking about God’s creative power.

For those of us who have faith, it’s hard to comprehend how people can’t look around them and see the evidence of God; not just “a god,” or “a force,” but a Creative God, a good, personal God.  This weekend at The Gathering we’ll be talking about the implications of the nature of God as Creator for each person on the planet.

God created us.  What went wrong? Why is there so much conflict: rage, hatred, even death?  Why do things in life seem to be so unfair if we’re created by a good God and we are all created good?  Something went wrong.  We’ll talk about how God brings about redemption and also reconciliation in a world bent on self-destruction.

We’ll also talk about the big difference between religion and the faith called Christianity.  They are not the same.

Join us at 9:00 or 10:30 @ The Gathering Nashville. If you can’t be here in person, join our live webcast at both services.