I have to tell you that I am really thrilled about our new Friday Morning Bible Study. Not the least of which is to try to help people have a full, mature understanding of their faith; a first-hand faith that allows you to live your life on your own terms, God’s way.
That’s how we define ministry. Oftentimes in the church, we define ministry as a missionary, a seminary professor, a pastor, or at least serving on the staff of a church for which you are compensated.
As we study the Book of Romans, we understand that our salvation is much more than just not going to hell; far more than a disembodied belief about one day in heaven when we’ll all get together. Your salvation means not just that you’re secure forever and that your life is secure, but that your life has meaning in the here and now.
If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, you are in the ministry. My challenge to you is to break the mold of the old view: that there are some who are called and have holy profession, and others who are called to support those by unholy professions making unholy money that somehow becomes holy when we bring it to church.
So I ask you this question, my brother and sister in Christ. What’s your ministry? What has God called you to do? What wrongs are you righting? What loads are you lifting? What injustice are you setting right? What hurts do you heal? What tear in the fabric of the way life ought to be are you about repairing?
It’s a big life, and it’s also a long life filled with endless days of boredom, unless as a believer you understand your salvation affects how you live your life, do your work, down to even the work that you do. I understand that I am not what I do, but I also understand I can’t be fully who I am until I freely and passionately do what I was placed on this earth to do.