For the past few days, not only have I been explaining the title of our new Live Event that Paula and I have created called “Making Marriage Fun Again,” I’ve attempted to give some insight into branding and marketing so you could understand that your title needs to tell people what you have to offer. It must be a solution to a need that is widely understood and desperately wanted.
So we talked about the importance of “making.” We have been handed the resources of life, but we alone are responsible to make something of them. Making marriage a covenant between two lovers that takes a lifetime to grow, not build.
The third word in that title is Making Marriage Fun. And before you dismiss that as a silly idea, think about the different levels of success in life.
Anytime you hear someone interviewed about high achievement: business, sports, music, entertainment, one word continues to come up again and again. “We were having fun. It just felt like fun.” And when you’re having fun, guess what? Everyone else around you is having fun and there is something good going on at your core.
I will never forget last year when Coach Fisher, the coach of our Tennessee Titans, was asked to give an explanation of Vince Young’s performance. He said, and I quote, “Vince was just out there having fun.”
Marriage should be fun. That’s the highest level of human enjoyment and achievement – fun. That’s when you learn to dance; when you learn the keys to growing relationships over time so well that they become natural, symbiotic, and intuitive.
I want my marriage to be fun. That doesn’t mean it’s frivolous. But it means when my wife Paula and I are having fun, that we have the fundamentals covered. We’ve got the strong foundation. Our core beliefs and behaviors are strong. We understand that our mission, vision, and goals are clear in our minds. We have zero excuses for our behavior, particularly when it’s bad. And we have absolute trust in our motives. And when that happens, and you couple that with intelligent, high-octane, loving conversation and talk about the future, and add to that the philosophy of W.W.O.N.D.A. – win-win, or no deal always, when it comes to my marriage, you have two people who can do almost anything together.
When marriage goes wrong, it goes very wrong. And the first sign is, we’re not having any fun – at all. I’m the first to understand that life can be hard, but it also ought to be fun. That’s one of the crusades that Paula and I are on for the rest of our lives.
The word again simply means that no one, I mean no one, marries a boring person not having fun. We got there at one time, and we can get there again.
This is a passion, a mission, something that must be done. Help us. If you know someone who could benefit from this live event on April 30th, whether they live in the Nashville area or even in the state, invite them. At least give them the opportunity to make the decision on their own. We’re going to have plenty of room. We’re going to be meeting at the Financial Peace Conference Center. It’s going to be fun, you’ll laugh, and you’ll start on the road to something special. This could be the night that your marriage and your relationship, that your children, your family, your career, and your future changes forever.
I am absolutely positive that Paula and I can help anyone save their marriage if they’ll show up and give us a chance.