Why Telling Stories is Essential to Your Future Happiness

Today on The David and Paula Show they’ll discuss the importance of passing on your family stories.

One of the strongest ways to keep your family connected as they get older and you get busier, is to tell stories. These adventures of how your family came to be, how you’ve seized the moment, achieved your goals, rode out the rough times, all these stories tend to give your family its identity and personality.  Stories of great faith, risk-taking and winning together inspire the younger generation as they make their choices, as well as keep everyone else bound together by the thread of faith, hope, and love.

Too many people today live together, alone. They are related, but they are not connected.  It has nothing to do with the size of the toys you buy for each other at Christmas, but the passion, joy and hope created by your life adventures; told in your own words, through your own heart, in your own home.