We start today in John 6:16, with the account of the disciples meeting Jesus in a storm, walking on the water.
Remember this, Jesus never did anything for show. There was a meaning, a purpose that tied into His larger mission in everything He did. So walking on the water and meeting the disciples was certainly a teachable moment. Not only the metaphor of storms, water and spiritual calm, but that Jesus was the Lord over creation and over nature. There is no realm into which His power does not extend.
From the storm we go to another metaphor of bread, that Jesus is the bread of life. It is a repeated theme here that comes over from John 4, and the woman at the well. Jesus told her that whoever drank His water would never be thirsty again. Now there is bread that satisfies, walking on the water, healing the sick. There’s a picture developing here that Jesus Christ is the mighty Messiah, the Lord of all creation and the servant of God sent to redeem and to reconcile for God. What a beautiful picture John is painting; like a word-artist telling stories that lead us to that ultimate place of absolute confidence in the risen Lord Jesus Christ, His love for us, and His plan for our future.